Studio Arts
SAT 2 Folio
Unit 4 School Assessed Task 2 - contents
1. Focus Report and Work plan (similar to unit 3). The Focus Report will clarify your direction and plans for the unit 4
folio and final artworks. This is a written and visual document that outlines what you will refine and plan to do with the
potential directions you have selected from the unit 3 folio (see sample below). You need to outline WHAT you plan
to do in order to create your final artworks. This should include the materials and techniques, focus of aesthetic
qualities, compositional plans and if it is a single artwork or a series.
2. Refinement of artworks planned. As stated in the study design the refinement should only take about 2 weeks.
Too much time spent on refinement leaves little time for the making of quality final artworks. The requirement
for Studio Arts is a minimum of 2 final artworks.
Refinement may be compositional plans or materials and techniques or aesthetic qualities.
3. A minimum of 2 Final Artworks are required as stated in the Studio Arts study design set down by VCAA.
These will depend on your art form and the depth of your exploration in unit 3.
You may wish to complete a series of more than 2 Finals if Photography is your art form.
A good example of this is Tracey Moffat's 'Something More' series of photos. A tragic tale of an indigenous girl, a
series of 9 photos, however considered one artwork. Photography students unusually complete more than 2 finals.
If you are completing a painting folio you may have 2 to 3 finals. Students completing smaller works usually have
several finals. This can be discussed with your teacher.
4. Reflection and Evaluation Report.
This report is a reflection of your SAT 2 folio and the completion of your final artworks. You may discuss how you feel
about the end result. It may be the compositional elements, subject matter, materials and techniques or aesthetic
qualities that worked or didn't work. There may be changes you may make in the future or things that you would
not change as they are aesthetically pleasing. This is a written and visual document and is placed at the end of the
folio. You will need to photograph your final artworks and have them documented in your folio.
Focus Report
Below you can see a sample of a Focus Report. The student has outlined what will be final artworks and what are the important elements that will contribute to each final work from each of the potential directions taken from unit 3. It maybe the subject matter, the aesthetic qualities or the materials and techniques. Then you can discuss the plans for each of your finals.

The student is discussing the image below and how its the conceptual ideas that are appealing to him as a final artwork. The symbolism of hope and the limitations of escape. It is the atmosphere and mood that are important factors.

Below you can see how the student has clearly outlined their plans for unit 4 folio and final artworks preparation. A clear direction will help you stay on task and keep you on track to meet the deadline for unit 4 folio submission with completed final artworks.