Studio Arts
SAT 1 Folio
Unit 3 School Assessed Task 1 - Design Process
1. Exploration Proposal, Work Plan and Brainstorm page.
2. Inspiration pages/ artists/ images with supporting evidence of a sketch or photo you have taken to link the inspiration
to your concept, ideas or theme.
3. All Developmental work/ Media Trials/Experiments with Materials and Techniques of your selected Art form ...GO
WILD.....try everything and keep all your mistakes. Remeber this is a great learning tool. No folio is perfect!!!!
4. Annotate all your thoughts/ findings/ discoveries and don't leave it until the last minute or you will be stressed out to
the MAX!!!! So if you like a particular techniqueor materials you have used express why. What is the quality that
you like or don't like??
5. Potential Directions Statement
The Potential Directions Statement is the second written task required for the Studio Arts Design Process in Unit 3.
This important statement plays a ke role in clarifying the direction you plan to take in Unit 4.
* Make a final decision on the number and selection of Potential Directions.
* These selections must be clearly identified in your Work Book/ Folio.
* The document should outline WHY you have made the selections.
* At least 1 A4 page with accompanying images
* This statement should outline to an examiner WHY they have been chosen.
* Use appropriate Art Terminology.
This is a written and visual document that will link all of your Potential Directions that you have HIGHLIGHTED
throughout your folio. You can use post-it notes if you like and label them as P.D 1, P.D. 2 etc......and stick them
next to the image in your folio.
See the examples below.
Exploration Proposal
The Exploration Proposal outlines and defines the artists intentions for SAT 1 Folio.
The best way to start is with a Brainstorm page combining all your ideas and the materials and techniques you may wish to pursue. This will help you develop a strong theme and give you direction. It is a good instrument to use in writing an Exploration Proposal and developing your Work Plan, which is assessed in the SAT 1 Folio and worth 5 marks.

Brainstorm page

Development and Media Trials

In the page above, and the page on the right, we can see clear links in relation to composition. The student has trialled the same composition with various materials and made extensive annotations in relation to the findings and alterations they wish to make.

Inspiration and Development
Some students commence with 5 or 6 pages of inspiration and artists that are reflective of their ideas, style or materials and techniques. Other students select an image of inspiration or an idea and then use this to display their own interpretations and use of materials and techniques. As seen in these images below, a sample of student work.

What we see here is the student using a sample of inspiration or an idea that is reflective of their own theme and then applying various materials and techniques to display their own interpretations. You can also see the extensive annotations in relation to their findings regarding materials and techniques, aesthetic qualities and concepts.

Above we can see the student has noted a potential direction using a pink post-it-note, highlighting to the assessor which are the selected potential directions and what number they are in the Potential Directions Statement.
Potential Directions Statement
The Potential Directions Statement is the second written task required for the Studio Arts Design Process in Unit 3.
This important statement plays a key role in clarifying the direction you plan to take in Unit 4.
* Make a final decision on the number and selection of Potential Directions. The Studio Arts study design requires
you to complete a minimum of 2 FINAL ARTWORKS. Therefore a minimumof 2 Potential directions, however,
the majority of students have more. You can select 10 if you wish as it is personal choice and reflective of YOUR
OWN theme and concepts.
* These selections must be clearly identified in your Work Book/ Folio.
* The document should outline WHY you have made the selections. What is it from this trial that you will use in
unit 4. It may be the composition or it could be the technique you have used in a particular trial that has been
successful. Another Potential Direction could display the aesthetic qualities that you are happy with in your
* At least 1 A4 page with accompanying images. (see sample below)
* This statement should outline to an examiner WHY they have been chosen.
* Use appropriate Art Terminology.