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Exam Structure


The exam is worth 34% of your total mark.
Total Studio Arts examination mark is worth 75 marks.
Section A:  In this section you will be writing a short answer response to unseen artworks, works that you have not studied or seen before using the Key Discussion Points. The artworks are on a coloured insert in the centre of the exam booklet.
Section B:  writing short answer responses in 2 or more paragraphs generally related to the art industry. You may be asked to refer to the coloured insert and an unseen image.
Section C:  writing an extended response based on at least 2 artists that you have studied this year and/ or at least 2 exhibitions you have viewed this year. This section, requires you to discuss the Key Discussion points.
Sample insert
The Key Discussion Points:
1. Interpretation of subject matter.
2. Aesthetic qualities.
3. Communication of ideas and meanings.
4. Development of artistic/distinctive style.
5. Influences.
6. Use of materials, techniques and processes.
7. Historical and cultural context.
Short answer responses related to unseen image
Read the empirical data during the 15 minutes reading time. This is in the coloured insert at the base of the image




View this PREZI for other information regarding the exam.
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